I work with a lot of high-growth SaaS companies and get the opportunity to study, model, and teach what separates the best from the rest. 

Why is it that some reps/sales leaders continue to crush it quarter-after-quarter, year-after-year, promotion-after-promotion—while others stagnate and struggle to keep up?

In large part, it comes down to two critical success factors:



For high-tech companies—especially high-growth SaaS companies—there is one constant: CHANGE.

The company you work for today will look very different two years from now.

There will be new products, new services, new markets, new industries, new competition, new GTM strategies, new sales motions, new personas to sell to, new champions to develop, new business issues to understand, new knowledge to learn, and new skills to master.

The knowledge, skills, competencies, habits, and playbook that got you to where are you today—will not take you where you want to go in the future.

The status quo is not good enough.

Change is the only constant.

This is a fact of life given the industry we are fortunate enough to be a part of. Deal with it.

Don’t hide from it.


For anyone aspiring to finish 2021 strong and take their game to the next level in 2022, these 5 steps should help…


Cultivate a burning desire to pursue your potential and achieve your own version of greatness. Realize that there are only two limitations to your level of success (1) your mindset and (2) your willingness to bust your ass and do whatever it takes to achieve it. Become a student of the game in your pursuit to master it.


Do an honest assessment of your strengths/weaknesses—and ask for feedback from your manager and cross-functional colleagues. Reflect on the deals you’ve lost, your knowledge gaps, skill gaps, and what’s really keeping you back from breaking through to the next level.


Keep your ego in check. Be humble and kind. Accept the fact that—no matter how smart or experienced you are—NO ONE has all the answers. There is always room for improvement. There is always another level.


Average performers focus on their strengths. Elite performers focus on shoring up their weaknesses. We all have blind spots preventing us from seeing the gaps that are holding us back. Become coachable. View any coaching you get as a gift. Embrace it. Act on it.


Be adaptable. Be willing change and try new tactics and learn new strategies. View every day as your learning lab to try new things, to practice, to grow, and improve—and sometimes fail. Embrace failure as a byproduct of success and mistakes as coachable moments.

REMEMBER: The only thing holding you back from reaching the next level in 2022 is you and your willingness to embrace change.

Don’t hide from it.


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