The best salespeople understand that sales is a team sport. One of the most critical relationships on that cross-functional team lies in the relationship dynamics between AEs & SEs.

Here are a few distinctions that separate the best from the rest. . .

The best sales people value their SE as a trusted business partner and an invaluable resource providing a unique perspective. They proactively include their SE in PG planning sessions, high impact meeting prep, and post meeting debriefs.

Mediocre reps just bring them in for demos.

The best salespeople view their role as the quarterback on the field, are willing to give up control because they inherently trust their colleagues, and understand the importance of functioning as ONE TEAM.

Mediocre reps try to go it alone and loan-wolf-it.

The best salespeople encourage their SEs to engage 1:1 when they leave the room or in side meetings to see if they can uncover unique insights when the prospects guard is down because the salesperson isn’t around.

Mediocre sales reps don’t.


At all levels of the sales org, making it a priority to invest is those cross-functional relationships—especially AEs/SEs—will pay massive dividends for quarters to come and make coming to work each day a hell-of-a-lot more fun.

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