All world-class sales leaders have two things in common:

1. They intentionally create a high-performance culture

2. They are systematic in the way they acquire and develop talent 

In short, they focus on creating the right culture, that drives the right behaviors, that produces the right results. 

World-class coaches may not always have the best talent, but they always get the best out of the talent they have.

Think about it…

Over the past two decades the New England Patriots have had less talent than a lot of other NFL franchises who keep losing despite continually getting top draft picks. 

How does Bill Belichick do it?

How does he keep winning year after year despite getting such low draft picks? 

Belichick knows exactly the type of culture he wants to create, the type of talent he wants to acquire that will fit in with that culture, and the system he needs to implement to continuously develop and get the most out of that talent.


As a sales leader, it is critical that you are very intentional about the type of culture you want to create—and then constantly communicate and reinforce it with your team.

Here are a few questions you may want to contemplate to help jumpstart the process:

◆ What do we want our culture to look like, to feel like, and act like?

◆ What does it mean to be part of our team?

◆ What do we stand for?

◆ What do we believe?

◆ How do we behave?

◆ What results are we after?

◆ What is our standard of performance?

Our people are craving for a sense of purpose—to be part of something special, something far more meaningful than just a paycheck.

It is our job, as leaders, to create the type of culture that will inspire the mind, touch the heart, and spark a burning desire within them want to pursue their potential—and give their best each and every day.

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