First Job, Worst Boss: My Daughter’s First Crappy Manager

I grew up from humble beginnings—started working at 11 delivering newspapers and helping my mom with her catering business, bagged groceries at 15, and put myself through school waiting tables.

So It’s important to my wife and I that we pass along this humble, blue collar work ethic along to our two daughters.

My oldest daughter (16) recently got her first job at HomeGoods.

Without any training she was thrown into the deep end and put on the cash register during their busiest time.

When you’re working the register you’re supposed to try and upsell them to a rewards credit card.

However, this particular customer was using a gift card—so there’s no need to push for the upsell because it’s not relevant.

Without understanding the situation, the manager storms up to the checkout counter…

Awkwardly reaches over my daughter, takes over the conversation, starts banging on the upsell script taped to the top of the cash register, and starts shouting it verbatim.

My daughter was horrified.

After my she told me the story I said…

“See honey, now you understand why Dad’s work is so important. There are A LOT of crappy managers out there!” 🙂

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